giovedì 3 settembre 2015

What's in my mailbox? part 5

Soon (too soon?!) after the last post, here's some more cards patiently waiting in the mailbox for when I'll decide to have them all shipped to my home adress to finally be added to the collection...
There are currently 130 cards in the mailbox, with about twenty more to be received, so I'm already scared of the price the shipment will reach...

Coming to a more interesting theme, here below some more nice pickups, mainly from eBay...

Let's start with a beautiful 2006 Ultimate Game Patches of A.J. Burnett featuring a sweet sweet patch from his Blue Jays jersey...and numbered to a nice 50

Not bad uh?

It's amazing how easy it is in some cases to win off auction cards from super high end products like the old Topps Sterling, for example the following cost me less than 2 $...

A 2010 Sterling Legendary Leather numbered to 75 with three jersey pieces of Mark Teixeira...

And the next card is even better, costed (if I'm not wrong) around 10 $

Hey! It's Timmy The Freak Lincecum, depicted on a 2009 Sterling Career Chronicles, with four jersey pieces, and numbered to 25...

Wow, these kind of pickups really made my day... but there's something more...
...such as this nice 2008 UD Premier of Mr October, Reggie Jackson himself!

numbered to 75 and with 3 jersey pieces...

Four more cards and then I might reach the limit for beauty in a single post!

Let's stay in the UD world, with a card from a set that I'm considering to put together (maybe)...
It's from 2007 Ultimate Team Materials, numbered to just 25, with an amazing patch and from Garrett Atkins

Let's finish the post with two kings (well, three if you count the cards), each one for different reasons.. the first is the King of Seattle and comes with two cards, while the second is considered one of the Kings of the Ballgame...

The first card is from 2015 Gipsy Queen, numbered to 50 and features a big chunk of Jersey...

And since the previous card had no patch on it, let me remediate by posting the following picture, is a 2007 Winning Materials Limited Gold patch card, numbered to 99 and with a 4-color patch in it!

It might be hard to believe, but it's the less expensive card of the whole post...

And finally, a card from a player that I like a lot, and from whom I had no cards I had to do something! A beautiful (despite very small) Jersey Card of Roger Maris, from 2014 Panini National Treasures, numbered to 99

I think I like the cards in this post even more than those in part 4
But what do you think?

Thanks again for taking the time to read my poor-english written posts, and keep collecting!


3 commenti:

  1. Risposte
    1. Well, nothing compared to your beautiful Topps Dynasty!
      Have you already seen the pics on 2015 set? Looks insanely cool!
      Back to sterling,there's one more laying around in the mailbox, but honestly I was afraid of posting too much stuff creating more confusion than quality..maybe in next posts I'll show something more...

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